Monday, August 30, 2010

Sacred Waipi'o Valley

On Sunday, August 29th, Ron and I visited friends in Honoka'a Town and took a side trip to view Waipi'o Valley.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pictures from Big Island Ohia House

Aloha! These are a few photos that I posted on our Facebook page. Posting links is easier than uploading pictures in two places. My bandwidth is limited as well as our energy.

I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy! We've been working outdoors most days and Ron got the windmill up yesterday but it won't be putting out energy until he raises it another 8 feet. He needs friends to help him do that. I'm not strong enough to raise it with him.

Jungle Kitties have been coming out to greet us. I give them a bowl of Meow Mix and off they go again. I think they're making the rounds up here. There's about three acres between each of the homes up here so I would imagine they take advantage of it.
Off to paint the porch and haul out old drywall from under the house.
Much love, Jen

Say Aloha!