Friday, September 19, 2008

V for Vendetta - Well, we didn't actually blow up anything

The mysterious man behind the windshield of this truck was Ron. I loaded the sound of the rail system in Vancouver onto my ipod and he drove around downtown Honolulu at lunch hour. He did this to prove how loud the steel on steel rail system would be to local residents. Cliff and Bobbie Slater met with the press and provided the decibel meter to prove the point. Tomorrow the island votes on this issue. Let's not let the old boy network push this rail through when it will cost us more in taxes than folks realize and burden businesses with unbearable debt. It will NOT relieve traffic congestion - this is by their own documents...but who cares? They just want to feed off the Federal trough.

I love my sweetie...he may not be a "V" but he sure is an "R".

Train noise without a train ran through the street
Posted: Sep 19, 2008 05:10 PM
Updated: Sep 19, 2008 06:20 PM
By Mari-Ela David - bio email
HONOLULU (KHNL) -Downtown Honolulu, Friday got a sense of what it would be like if a train ran through the city.
Stop Rail Now used speakers and a truck to show voters what they claimed is the kind of noise people will have to live with if the city's rail project gets the go-ahead.
On Halekauwila Street in the sound went up to 79 decibles at 50 feet. According to Stop Rail Now, this is the kind of noise steel on steel will make.
"They're having some noise coming through here and yeah, it's getting irritating," said Honolulu resident, Francisco Martinez.
A truck drove down Halekauwila Street, which is where the proposed rail line runs.
The sound used was a recording of the Vancouver Skytrain, calibrated at 79 decibels.
That's about how loud the city says Honolulu's proposed rail project will be.
For accuracy Stop Rail Now volunteers used a decibel meter. If you factored in the traffic noise the meter passed the 79 mark.
"And it'd be coming by every minute and a half, during the rush hour and every three minutes in between the rush hour," said Cliff Slater from Stop Rail Now.
On top of the traffic noise, opponents said rail will actually be even louder.
"What they are representing is the 79 decibel level but from one bogie. Bogie is the group of wheels in motors in every passenger train and a train has several bogies to propel itself where here 1/4 to 1/6 of what the real thing is going to be," said Mayoral candidate Panos Prevedouros.
Members said the simulation also didn't show the rumbling a train would cause.
"I know the Bart, I'm from Oakland, California so, I don't know, people get used to it but it's going to be a big change for the people of Hawaii,"said Prevedouros.
Whether it is enough to shake-up the rail movement, voters will find out come the November elections.
Go Rail Go, supporters of rail issued this statement:
Stop Rail Now has resorted to dramatic gestures.
Noise will not be an issue with the proposed rail project.
In fact, modern rail systems are so quiet that safety measures are needed to ensure that
pedestrians are aware of on coming trains.

Say Aloha!